Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bottle-nose dolphin

Wednesday 2/13

Common Name: Bottle-nose dolphin
Scientific Name: Tursiops truncatus
Habitat: coastal: adapt to warm, shallow waters because of its smaller body.
offshore: adapt to colder, deeper waters because they are bigger, they conserve heat.
Reproduction: In Florida, the females is sexually mature at 5-12 years, males at 10-13 years.
While in South Africa: females are sexually mature at 9-11 years, males at about 14.5 years.
Status: not considered to be endangered; its near-shore distribution, though, makes it vulnerable to environmental degradation, direct exploitation, and problems associated with local fisheries
Facts: They live 20 years or less based off the census in Florida.
The gestational period is about 12 months.
The adults eats about 5% of its body weight and a nursing mother eats 8%.
Issue: The Japanese and Taiwanese kill them for food. They are exposure to pollutants and biotoxins.
Some have parasites and other bacteria. They are often injured or killed due to fishing gear.
Reason: I picked the Bottlenose dolphin because my mom has told me about how she got to swim with dolphins before she had me. I've always thought that would be such a cool experience, and am really intrigued by this animal :)

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