Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Benefits of Mangroves

Friday 2/22

There are the red, black, and white mangroves.

Red mangroves live in deepest salt-water of the three and have large prop-roots.
Organism benefits: Place to hide from predators for young fish.
Human benefits: Used for fuel wood but its most common and important use is in the leather industry: its bark is peeled and tannin is extracted, which is used as a dye.

White mangroves live farthest away from the water of the three. Leaves are rounded elliptical.
Organism benefits: Sugar for the insects.
Human benefits: Used for fishing poles, tool handles and as wood for fences.

Black mangroves live in a few inches of salt water and have pnuematophores.
Also, the leaves have salt crystals formed on the top side.
Organism benefits: Place for breeding, nursering, and especially feeding.
Human benefits: Can be used for fishing poles, charcoal, and in the production of honey.

It helps the fishing industry a lot by keeping the young, baby fish safe so they can grow up, breed and be caught, providing profit.

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